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Where BP set CSS classes of the leave group button ?

  • Florent



    I’m trying for several hours to add Bootstrap classes btn and btn-primary to the leave group button but I cannot understand why my modifications in buddypress-functions.php are not taken into account.

    Text search for group-button and leave-group CSS classes returns a unique file called buddypress-functions.php. I modified this file in plugin/buddypress/..., in my-theme/buddypress/buddypress-functions.php and in my-child-theme/buddypress-functions.php but for some reason my modifications in this file are not taken into account.

    When I remove random portion of the code in the file buddypress-functions.php of my child theme then BP returns errors so this prove to me the file is read.

    Do you have an idea what is wrong ?

    Please find the portion of the code that set the CSS classes in buddypress-functions.php:
    (I replace group-button by btn btn-primary but no effect 🙁

     * Join or leave a group when clicking the "join/leave" button via a POST request.
     * @since 1.2.0
     * @return string HTML
    function bp_legacy_theme_ajax_joinleave_group() {
    	// Bail if not a POST action.
    	if ( 'POST' !== strtoupper( $_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] ) )
    	// Cast gid as integer.
    	$group_id = (int) $_POST['gid'];
    	if ( groups_is_user_banned( bp_loggedin_user_id(), $group_id ) )
    	if ( ! $group = groups_get_group( array( 'group_id' => $group_id ) ) )
    	if ( ! groups_is_user_member( bp_loggedin_user_id(), $group->id ) ) {
    		if ( 'public' == $group->status ) {
    			check_ajax_referer( 'groups_join_group' );
    			if ( ! groups_join_group( $group->id ) ) {
    				_e( 'Error joining group', 'buddypress' );
    			} else {
    				echo '<a id="group-' . esc_attr( $group->id ) . '" class="leave-group" rel="leave" title="' . __( 'Leave Group', 'buddypress' ) . '" href="' . wp_nonce_url( bp_get_group_permalink( $group ) . 'leave-group', 'groups_leave_group' ) . '">' . __( 'Leave Group', 'buddypress' ) . '</a>';
    		} elseif ( 'private' == $group->status ) {
    			// If the user has already been invited, then this is
    			// an Accept Invitation button.
    			if ( groups_check_user_has_invite( bp_loggedin_user_id(), $group->id ) ) {
    				check_ajax_referer( 'groups_accept_invite' );
    				if ( ! groups_accept_invite( bp_loggedin_user_id(), $group->id ) ) {
    					_e( 'Error requesting membership', 'buddypress' );
    				} else {
    					echo '<a id="group-' . esc_attr( $group->id ) . '" class="leave-group" rel="leave" title="' . __( 'Leave Group', 'buddypress' ) . '" href="' . wp_nonce_url( bp_get_group_permalink( $group ) . 'leave-group', 'groups_leave_group' ) . '">' . __( 'Leave Group', 'buddypress' ) . '</a>';
    			// Otherwise, it's a Request Membership button.
    			} else {
    				check_ajax_referer( 'groups_request_membership' );
    				if ( ! groups_send_membership_request( bp_loggedin_user_id(), $group->id ) ) {
    					_e( 'Error requesting membership', 'buddypress' );
    				} else {
    					echo '<a id="group-' . esc_attr( $group->id ) . '" class="group-button disabled pending membership-requested" rel="membership-requested" title="' . __( 'Request Sent', 'buddypress' ) . '" href="' . bp_get_group_permalink( $group ) . '">' . __( 'Request Sent', 'buddypress' ) . '</a>';
    	} else {
    		check_ajax_referer( 'groups_leave_group' );
    		if ( ! groups_leave_group( $group->id ) ) {
    			_e( 'Error leaving group', 'buddypress' );
    		} elseif ( 'public' == $group->status ) {
    			echo '<a id="group-' . esc_attr( $group->id ) . '" class="join-group" rel="join" title="' . __( 'Join Group', 'buddypress' ) . '" href="' . wp_nonce_url( bp_get_group_permalink( $group ) . 'join', 'groups_join_group' ) . '">' . __( 'Join Group', 'buddypress' ) . '</a>';
    		} elseif ( 'private' == $group->status ) {
    			echo '<a id="group-' . esc_attr( $group->id ) . '" class="request-membership" rel="join" title="' . __( 'Request Membership', 'buddypress' ) . '" href="' . wp_nonce_url( bp_get_group_permalink( $group ) . 'request-membership', 'groups_request_membership' ) . '">' . __( 'Request Membership', 'buddypress' ) . '</a>';
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