Read how to search strings here:
Your connection to this user
Not seeing a .pot file in plugin>edit
And to make this element invisible with css makes all the item list tabs invisible.
I see a .pot file only when I use a string locator plugin.
The only instance is
#: bp-activity/bp-activity-template.php:3774
msgid “Site Wide Activity RSS Feed”
msgstr “”
I’ve edited this line before in the activity file and it doesn’t change.
Changes on line 6317, doesn’t change front end.
#: bp-templates/bp-legacy/buddypress/activity/index.php:142
#: bp-templates/bp-legacy/buddypress/groups/single/activity.php:12
msgid “RSS”
it’s because you didn’t right.
The translation, or word change, use a msg ID which contains the original string and a msg string, for the new wording.
In your case, you should use
msgid "Site Wide Activity RSS Feed" // the original string
msgstr "Rich Site Summary" // the custom string
Note also to get this to work, you need to compile the po file to mo file.
And if you don’t want to redo that after each BP update, i recommand you use this plugin, so your custom language file remain untouched, while the default language will be updated.