Hey Chris,
There’s at least several of us using 1.0 alpha 6 still.
And there’s a few on 1.0 RC3 (including these forums on buddypress.org).
Looking forward to your updated tutorial when you figure everything out 
Our good friends at UMW have updated their integration tutorial for BP 1.0.2, WPMU 2.7.1 and bbPress 1.0 RC3:
I haven’t tried it myself, but thought it might help some of you!
And I’m still a laggard on BBP
Thanks r-a-y. I guess I’ll give 1.0 RC3 a shot again since it DOES work elsewhere. Much appreciated. I’m looking forward to the tut too. LOL
I did look through that tutorial but the plugin that’s suggested breaks every install I have. And any tutorial that uses screenshots from a different version makes me go “eeek” and run away. LOL But I did go through it and 1.0 RC3 was still laughing at me like the dog on Duck Hunt. Oh how I hated that dog.
Marking this as resolved.
Thanks again
I’ve had no issues with the current trunk version of bbPress. bbPress has been so furiously updated the past few days/weeks, it’s hard to use a RC version because Sam updates the trunk minutes/hours after releasing it once someone finds a bug. Also with WordPress 2.8+ happening, and with cookies changing each time something new comes, bbPress integration has been a constant challenge for not just users, but developers also. 
Things should start slowing down soon, but man is all this activity exciting!
Thanks JJJ – I think with that information, maybe I’ll just stay away from all of the RC versions & just stick with what I know works.