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White Screen after 2.6.2 upgrade

  • @reggie3


    Running WordPress 4.5.3 (multisite), Kleo 4.0.8 theme.

    Had been using Buddypress 2.5.3 (network activated). Upgrading to 2.6.2 resulted in white screen for main page; individual site’s admin page, etc. Same when using TwentySixteen theme.

    I reviewed this Buddypress support thread re: a 2.6.0/Kleo problem ( ) and thought that it suggested that the referenced patch and subsequent releases would solve the problem, but alas.

    Can you offer any guidance?

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  • @r-a-y


    Can you set WP_DEBUG to true in wp-config.php and note down any notices that are being shown?



    Or… rather than doing that, look in your web server’s PHP error log, and tell us what’s inside. If you don’t know what this is, your web host’s support should be able to help.




    Sorry for the slow reply, but here’s an update.

    Since I posted the above, we’ve upgraded to WordPress 4.6. Also tried to upgrade BuddyPress again with the same result.

    We’ve run this with the debug settings activated in the wp-config.php file but have received no error messages. Nor either in the wp-content/debug.php file, nor in the server’s php_log.

    Thinking incompatibility issue with other obsolete plugins…testing now…will report…




    Okay, I ended up reviewing all plugins (~50-60) and deactivated the oldest 10 or so. After that, upgrade succeeded.

    So…thanks for your help!



    Ah – the set of plugins that you deactivated – if you can share the names, maybe that will help us figure out similar problems with other sites in the future. Thanks!

    Glad you got your site fixed.

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