who's online avatars widget acting funky
WP 2.9.2 with BP 1.2.1
running the basic template: I put the who’s online avatars widget in the sidebar. I logged in, looged out and my avatar was still showing in the sidebar. I logged in and out again… then two of my avatars were showing up. Cleared cache, removed widget, put widget back in the sidebar and still my avatars were there.
Anyone else having issues?
I have the same problem !
Could be that its put in some kind of cache to reduce page load time and queries.
That would mean that the list doesn’t get updated right away.
How come it worked with bp 1.0.3?
This appears to be a bug. I’m experiencing the same problem on a local testbox.
The problem could be with the way the SQL query is formed.
@xevo – Avatars are not cached.
Although I did come across the following line in the bp_core_clear_user_object_cache() function in bp-core.php, which attempts to delete the online user cache:
wp_cache_delete( 'online_users' );
However, I don’t see where the cache for “online_users” is ever set.
I’m guessing this is a remnant from the old BP 1.0 codebase.
Can anyone else duplicate what billydecola, enrige and myself are experiencing?
Ticket created – https://trac.buddypress.org/ticket/2162
I’m having a similar problem, people sitting next to me who are online and the widget is saying ‘There are no users currently online’.
WordPress MU 2.9.2 , BP 1.2.1
Presumably if this is a timezone issue, as suggested in the ticket, then this is a product of the same problem.
I also have this same problem. WP 2.9.2 and BP 1.2.3
When I try to log out, my avatar still shows up as being online. Tried the “solution” in this post: http://tiny.cc/ssgug replacing “NOW()” to “UTC_TIMESTAMP()”, but it still doesn’t fix the issue.
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