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Wich is the best way to create a registration form in modal

  • @awpt


    Hi,I just created a modal login and registration form using
    The login and reset password forms are ok Working fine But I couldnt get the registration form working.

    this is my code:

    /* Register form shortcode */
    function my_register_form() { ?>
         <div id="cd-signup"> <!-- sign up form -->
         <form method="post" class="cd-form" enctype="multipart/form-data" id="signup_form" class="standard-form" action="<?php if (function_exists('bp_is_active')) bp_signup_page(); else echo get_bloginfo('url')."/wp-login.php?action=register"; ?>" name="register_form">
    					<p class="fieldset">
    						<label class="image-replace cd-username" for="signup-username"><?php _e( 'Username', 'buddypress' ); ?></label> 
    						<input class="full-width has-padding has-border" id="signup-username" name="signup_username" type="text" placeholder="<?php _e( 'Username', 'buddypress' ); ?>">
    					<p class="fieldset">
    						<label class="image-replace cd-email" for="signup-email"><?php _e( 'Email Address', 'buddypress' ); ?></label>
    						<input class="full-width has-padding has-border" id="signup-email" name="signup_email" type="email" placeholder="E-mail">
    					<p class="fieldset">
    						<label class="image-replace cd-username" for="signup-fullname"><?php _e( 'Your Full Name', 'buddypress' ); ?></label>
    						<input class="full-width has-padding has-border" id="signup-username" name="field-1" type="text" placeholder="<?php _e( 'Your Full Name', 'buddypress' ); ?>">
    					<p class="fieldset">
    						<label class="image-replace cd-password" for="signup-password"><?php _e( 'Choose a Password', 'buddypress' ); ?></label>
    						<input class="full-width has-padding has-border" id="signup-password" type="text" name="signup_password" placeholder="Password">
    						<a href="#0" class="hide-password">Hide</a>
    					<p class="fieldset">
    						<label class="image-replace cd-password" for="signup-password"><?php _e( 'Confirm Password', 'buddypress' ); ?></label>
    						<input class="full-width has-padding has-border" id="signup-password" type="text" name="signup_password_confirm" name="signup_password" placeholder="Password">
    						<a href="#0" class="hide-password">Hide</a>
    					<p class="fieldset">
    						<input class="full-width has-padding" type="submit" value="<?php esc_attr_e( 'Complete Sign Up', 'buddypress' ); ?>">
    				<!-- <a href="#0" class="cd-close-form">Close</a> -->
    			</div> <!-- cd-signup -->	

    Im getting the form and everything is fine but When I click on complete signup redirects me to the default buddypress registration page, does anyone have any idea about that? thanks

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