Since this is a BuddyPress forum, I’ll assume you’re talking about the Buddypress widget “Recent Blog Posts” and not the WordPress widget “Recent Posts”
You need to look in bp-blogs-widgets.php for the code. But, do not change the code within that file. It is a core BuddyPress file and any changes you make will be lost the next time you upgrade. Instead, make a copy of that file and create your own custom widget.
Hi Jeff,
Thanks for all your help so far. I was indeed talking about the BuddyPress widget. I’ll have a go at that and see what results I get
thank you. All I really need to do is add some CSS classes and a container box but what I put in functions.php (obviously) gets ignored.
How do you create a custom widget?
ok i found a previous posting, nevermind
hmm ok the previous posting was pointing to this
However, i’m not able to customize it.I tried changing some things but it doesnt show up anything on the mu admin area/widgets. No real documentation anywhere again, i have no idea what functions to call or how anything is structured.
hmm maybe i should study wordpress?