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Widget for Recent (Group) Forum Posts

  • @wardeh


    I’d like to see a widget like the Activity Widget, but filtered to show only Recent group forum posts/topics. I’ve tried using the RSS Widget but the links take users right to the forum (which is supposed to be hidden, as we’ve integrated the forums into the groups… see what I mean?)

    I know the forum activity shows in the Site Wide Activity, but I’d like to pull it out separately. Otherwise forum posting gets swallowed and I *personally* feel that the forums are hard to find buried deeply in the groups pages.

    Any chance of this happening? Anyone willing to walk me through doing this myself?


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  • @nicolagreco


    If i’ve time tomorrow (in italy is midnight), i will write a plugin and i will post it on ;)



    Oh, thank you, Nicola. I had a feeling you could help. :D



    can you develope in php?

    if yes, you could develope a php script that add an action : when a user post someting, it has to be stored in the db,

    or searching for a function in bbpress documentation that shows last articles..

    i believe that if you knows a bit of php you can do the second one..

    Tomorrow i will open forums and there i will post some lines, if i can with time!



    No, I can’t really. I’ve just begun learning about web development and at this point, I’m all plug and play with a tiny bit more learning creeping in every day. If you could help me, I’d sure appreciate it.

    It seems to me that the function already exists, since the Site Wide Activity widget captures the Recent Group Forum Posts. The problem is, it captures everything else too. I only want the Group Forum posts. See?



    ok i understand, you want a thing like activity, but that shows only the activity of group forums (all forum or only one?) but it’s simple too..

    you could use feed for example tomorrow i will check for it..



    There is a WP plugin that pulls latest bbPress discussions that will work on the main blog as well as any other blog on the system now.




    That or pull the forum RSS into an RSS widget. That would work as well.



    as i said..

    use feed or seach for bbpress plugins, as trent plugin..

    but i think that creating a plugin to include in user/group a feed box that shows last item published on a feed is useful, for example, inserting a twitter account feed will shows last twits on profile,

    yes i think tomorrow i will work for it..



    Trent, the reason the RSS widget doesn’t work is the links go to the forum installation instead of take the user to the Group forum page. I assume the bbPress plugin is the same.



    Didn’t see your post nicolagreco. Posting around the same time :)

    @wardeh Missed that part. I would imagine that Andy will eventually do something with forums, but priority now is getting 1st release out. I have a ticket for forum activity in sitewide feed as well at:



    @Trent — But I am getting forum activity in my site wide feed? Unless I’m understanding this differently (there’s another thread about this too)



    Ticket is for forum activity created in forum. It only shows content created in a forum through BP.



    Oh, I see. Thanks.



    I am not very clear today, so sorry about that. Probably shouldn’t be answering questions when my attention span is so low!

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