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Will Buddypress do what I need?

  • @deswardo



    I’m looking at creating a site with Buddypress, if it will allow me to do what I need.

    I’ve volunteered to try and create a site for my local community which ideally will include the following:

    • User login
    • Closed Forum
    • Calendar
    • Business Directory
    • Local business advertising (users can pay to advertise their business).

    To me these things seem like quite obvious features, but so far i’ve spent A LOT of time trying things out and reading forums etc. I have only a fairly basic knowledge of WordPress having created a couple of simple sites without much CSS knowledge.

    I’ve looked at combining buddypress, bbpress and S2member but it all seemed very complicated. It would be great if there was a theme out there which I might have missed, that would give me all these features?

    Any pointers in the right direction would be gratefully appreciated!!


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  • @somdefabrica


    Yeah! buddypress <3 do this!

    Restrict Acess – OK
    Closed Forum – OK
    Calendar – OK

    But, I can´t find any plugin to user sell and pay for products.

    I have WooCommerce, but only admin can sell to users.

    To upgrade WooCommerce, you must buy

    My buddypress

    It´s a Music Community.

    You will use the buddypress to ?

    from Brazil \o



    buddypress and bbpress (which i would argue shouldn’t even be thought of as separate plugins even though they technically are as they meant to work together) have you covered on the first 2 bullets the other stuff would require other solutions layered on top of wp/bp/bbp. said solutions could be plugins themes or even something a simple as a process you implement (such as using embedded services like google calendars). for what it’s worth i wouldn’t worry about adding s2 member to the mix did that once for a client was pretty strait forward.



    Thanks for the replies.

    Guess I was hoping there would be an aspect of buddypress or s2member which allowed users to pay for ads or other content. But I think i’m looking for a basic wp e-commerce plugin instead.


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