Will BuddyPress work with Multi-Site Manager Plugin
Will Buddypress work with the Multi-Site Manager Plugin:
We use WordPress MU as base for our network of blogs as its much easier from an admin point of view than having many seperate wordpress installs.
Is it possible to use multiple domains with Buddy Press and limit the social interaction to each blog/domain?
That is a very good question! Never run across anyone that tried it, but I can’t see why it wouldn’t work since the hardcoding for site “1” is all gone now. Short of testing it out, I am not sure if anyone has an answer. I might get a chance to test this out later today though. If you test it out, let us know.
Hi Trent and RamsayB –
I’m looking to do the same thing. How’s this looking?
http://wspinacze.pl and http://climbers-blog.org –
– to enable registration of blogs on both domain i moved back to wp-signup.php due to redirection issues (in fact register works only on first domain – same with blogs, members. groups)
– buddypress part is only avaiable on wspinacze.pl domain – do you have any idea to show it on both domains? if yes – what about different language on each domain?
– i\’m not sure if that is really what i want to do – but does anybody have an idea how to separate buddypress part for each domain? in fact that would mean that only users are same across all domains.
– there was a problem with logging to second domain through adminbar (it always uses first domain) – my solution was to do:
remove_action( \’bp_adminbar_menus\’, \’bp_adminbar_login_menu\’, 2 );
add_action( \’bp_adminbar_menus\’, \’my_bp_adminbar_login_menu\’, 2 );
where my_… is function with proper url
Since this thread has not seen activity for at least three months, it would be better to start a new thread. You will receive a faster response!
I just posted these new guidelines: https://buddypress.org/forums/topic.php?id=2543
Topic reopened per plugin developer.
Let’s keep it on point people.
(I believe what I’m about to write is relatable to the topic at hand; if not, feel free to close the thread!)
I’m just starting to grasp the whole concept of multi-sites.
From what I’ve read, it’s exactly what I want to do.
But I need some clarification.
Here’s my setup, I have WPMU+BuddyPress installed in the root:
hxxp://www.example.com (blog_id #1 should be shown here, including all its posts, categories and pages)
I want all subsequent blogs to be created from
So that new blogs will have a subdirectory under that subdomain.
eg. hxxp://blogs.example.com/newuserblog/
Single sign-on should work across the root and subdomain.
From those that have responded to me on the WPMU forums, this should be possible with the multi-site plugin.
Now for the BuddyPress questions!
Okay, so let’s say I login to BuddyPress (which is installed in the root instance of MU) and I want to create a new blog from “My Account > Create a blog”, would BuddyPress be creating this new blog under the new Site instance (eg. the subdomain Site – blogs.example.com? This is what I would want to do. I’m guessing this would require some core hacking.
Also, if I go to hxxp://www.example.com/blogs, would this show blogs from the blogs.example.com subdomain?
Thanks for reading! Hope to hear some feedback!
I think for many cases the core is still setup for single domain. Not really 100%.
Even the last bit of code I pushed Doncha gave me three test cases he wanted, tld root, subdomain, and subfolder. No combination. So just on that point it’s not an intended usage.
You may be better off with Doncha’s domain mapper. It will require a patch if your using bbpress. I’ll have upload that to him. Otherwise this allows more segregation yet the backends are tied (an using the same bb and bp press apps)
Hope I understood the question!!
Just re-read, Domain mapper is what you want.
However buddypress is sitewide as is bbpress.
I am working on a domain mapper compat bbpress seperation.
Keeping bp unified is still recommended.
I think I’m getting names mixed up, but Doncha did write the domain mapper.
As JasonG states, WPMU is really setup to work with a single domain. However, as he also points out, Donncha has an early-stage plugin that allows the mapping of a domain to a specific blog on a Mu install. It is called the WordPress MU Domain Mapping plugin.
Concerning getting the multi-site plugin to work with BuddyPress, there is a ticket in Trac that addresses a potential way to allow it to work with BP.
Some more tid-bits,
Doncha isn’t really liking the Multi-site plugin as it has a few issues and not actively maintained. Also, the multi-site doesn’t handle xmlrpc.
Right there that kills it for buddypress.
We may not see this patch included even though it has a milestone, and those reasons are that the Domain Mapper already has it’s teeth into wp-config. So there is intent right there.
Having said this, I have buddypress working with my wpmu setup. At least it looks like it’s working! LOL! Haa! ::[ok back to work]::
I got a reply from Ron over at WPMUTutorials.com.
If you’re interested in our discussion, head on over to:
A summary of what Ron wrote:
1- BP is enabled on a WPMU site basis so when running multiple site, BP can be enabled on one site and not another.
2- The same applies to site options/settings like registration.
3- BP does not filter a user’s blog list on the member profile by WPMU site. So, if you had 5 sites and a user had a blog in 4 of them then all 4 blogs would be listed.
One way you could accomplish the multisite setup where BP is on the main site and blogs on the additional sites is
Enable BP only on the main site.
On the main site set registration to users only.
On the additional sites set registration to only users can create blogs.
Create an info page on the main site that provides links to each of the other sites’ signup page.
This is a little bit involved and I’m a little pressed for time; I would at some point like to tackle this… but then I’d have to worry about redirecting /copying over blogs and permalinks on the existing WPMU setup… (sigh).
@Jeff and Jason – Thanks for the info.
Donncha’s Domain Mapping plugin wouldn’t work in my situation because I’ve setup WPMU with subdirectories and not subdomains.
Re: the Multi-site plugin on WPMUDev. That one is different than the one that Ron has developed. So I’m not sure if XMLRPC will work with Ron’s version… a good question to ask him!
The OP was talking about the multi-site plugin found on wpmudev.org. I just looked on wpmututorials and, although I found a page that talked about a multi-site plugin, it was not clear who coded it. The page was about an e-book package for purchase that comes with both the multi-site plugin and Advanced Domain Mapper. Again, I’m not sure if that refers to Donncha’s plugin on something Ron did.
If either or both of these are separate plugins, perhaps it would make sense to rename them as there is too much confusion with the very similar names.
Perhaps Ron and or Andre can clear this up!
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