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Will PHP redirect make site more secure

  • @pcservicetbg


    Greetings, I was told to post this question here- despite it being related to WP_redirect functionality and not really BuddyPress.

    I want to protect the content visible on some pages from unregistered users, inluding data-fishing and such. In this specific case I want to protect the user data BuddyPress is normally showing openly to everyone in the world to see. (By default at least).

    For this I have made my own plugin,- which all it does now is on trigger “template_redirect” it will check if the session is logged in via “is_user_logged_in()”. If returned false it will trigger a “wp_redirect()” to the login page.

    I am relatively new to PHP web dev, and would like to know the following: Since this code is run server side,- will this prevent anyone from getting the information about my users by semi-normal means?

    Would also apperciate advice for increased security on WordPress in general, security is a high priority when I have user accounts there- even though they don’t store critically “sensitive-data”.

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