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wire post at the top of profile

  • @alunsina


    is there cut and paste way i can do to make the wire box go to the top of the profile on members theme? im not php proficient but i am able to follow directions. all the wires can stay in the bottom but i’d like to have the post box at the top to invite more participation.


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  • @enlightenmental1


    you just need to edit your Members-Theme and move the “post to wire box/function” to where you want it.


    on the very bottom of the page, you’ll see an IF statement “bp_wire_get_post_list”

    just move that where you want it, be sure to keep it in the right DIVs



    awesome! i was able to drag this code around.

    <?php if ( function_exists(\'bp_wire_get_post_list\') ) : ?>
    <?php bp_wire_get_post_list( bp_current_user_id(), bp_word_or_name( __( \"My Wire\", \'buddypress\' ), __( \"%s\'s Wire\", \'buddypress\' ), true, false ), bp_word_or_name( __( \"No one has posted to your wire yet.\", \'buddypress\' ), __( \"No one has posted to %s\'s wire yet.\", \'buddypress\' ), true, false), bp_profile_wire_can_post() ) ?>
    <?php endif; ?>

    only thing is it brings the whole wire with it. i want to move just the post box. or even just move the post box at the top of wire instead of it being at the bottom.

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