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WordPress 3.0 + BuddyPress & Caching

  • @jmarino



    I am creating a new social networking site and I was wondering what the best option is for caching using WordPress 3.0 + BuddyPress I have read the “Improving Performance” article, but it seems to be a bit dated as the file-based caching solution is for WordPress 1.0. I am using a shared server for the time being, so I don’t think memory caching is the way to go for me. I have read through several forums looking for a viable solution, but there’s not much info yet for the new versions of these web applications. I need the site running at maximum performance as the server is in Europe (I live in the US) and I wish to have a world-wide subscriber base. If there is no solution at the moment that doesn’t “break things” (for lack of a better phrase), I am not interested in even wasting my time testing them out as I have lots of work to do and not a lot of time to do it. If you have a success story with implementing a file-based caching solution with WordPress 3.0 and BuddyPress, I would love to hear about it so I can try out your method on my own site.

    On a un-related subject, I cannot seem to upload a custom avatar on this site. Am I doing something wrong or is there something wrong with this site at the moment? It seems to be working fine on my own site.

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