NO I would have thought that it isn’t ever safe to assume anything!
I have WP 3.0 beta 2 installed to test, haven’t yet run BP 1.2.4 on it yet to see what’s what but don’t really expect it to fully function, BP 1.3 is the version that has to be waited on for production sites and then I would wait a while for any teething issue to be sorted out – look at the recent 1.2.4 issues that had to be resolved with a point release some 12 hours after release.
Well… I’m running WP3.0 beta and BP1.2.4 on a test site and have seen no issues whatsoever. But the official mention of “WordPress 3.0 compatibility” in the roadmap for BuddyPress 1.3 gives me pause. Given the pace of development of the two systems… there could be a very long time gap between WP3.0 and BP1.3. I’m guessing that BP1.3 is still many months away… while WordPress 3.0 could go release candidate any day now.
Not sure that 1.3 is that far off is it? not sure really, but I would hesitate running WP 3.0 and BP 1.2.4 on a production server.
It would be interesting to know what adjustments need to be made to enable BP to work with WP 3.0
Have bbPress 1.0.2, BuddyPress 1.2.4 and WordPress 3.0 beta running fine. Haven’t seen any problem yet.
Almost gonna do beta, so I’ll find out what problems will show up. 
Well the tickets for 1.3 are only 17% done and according to trac 1.2.5 is still a month away. So I’m just basing it on that. I’m not complaining either. Just saying… it looks like WP3 and BP1.3 are not going to “sync up” at all as far as release dates go.
i believe is wp3-ready and bp1.3 will come out after to take advantage of wp3 only features. (have to brush up on last week’s dev notes)
It’s a case of too much work for far too small a team! that will need to be addressed as BP grows exponentially
Ah so 1.2.4 was conceived as WP 3.0 ready, be good to know could possibly do with a little more detail in the roadmaps, or maybe there is and I just haven’t paid enough attention.
You see roadmap says:
* WordPress 3.0 support
No mention that 1.2.4 can run on WP 3.0