Nice snippets is this your site? I think it should also include the honeypot method which I made a very small plugin with here: https://github.com/bphelp/bp-spam-killer
You could easily use those functions in bp-custom.php etc. I am also liking BuddyDev’s BuddyPress Rate Limit User Activity plugin which provides activity stream throttling based on a time interval. It is however a premium plugin. You can get it here:
BuddyPress Rate Limit User Activity
I hate spam unless its on a sandwich so thank you for sharing! 🙂
@bphelp thanks for your feedback, the site isn’t mine, just thought others might benefit
speaking of spam, what do you think of the sandbox idea I shared here?
since you have the knowledge and experience writing plugins, can you comment on how feasible it is? could you write it?
I think it would be useful on some situations. If you are knowledgeable about how to approach it with coding then it is very feasible.