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WordPress/BuddyPress needs a frontend editor ! (rate the idea on

  • @grosbouff


    Hi guys !

    As WordPress and most of all BuddyPress is becoming more and more social, there SHOULD be a way in WordPress to post from the frontend.

    I wrote a plugin for this(One Quick Post –, but I think it should be developped really further.

    Basically, my idea was that this should be able to
    -handle custom types & taxonomies
    -allow guest posting (mapped to a “guest” user); with a secret key to allow the user to edit his post later
    -load any meta box from the backend, so it would have to be registered only once and could be called the same way by the frontend or the backend.
    Some filters could remove/add specific stuff for the frontend.

    I posted this as an idea on, please vote for it !

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  • @testador


    I absolutely agree! I really think the lack of a front end post method is still a disadvantage of buddypress vs other social media creation tools. I´ll definitelly check more of your plugin! One question about it, is it able to use a wysiwyg editor? it would be really good to be able to have the same functionality as we have in the backend (such as using tinyMCE) to include pictures in the post without the need for shortcodes, as most users should not be expected to learn this method, and most members of my sites are used to visual and more accessible image posting methods in their post on other social sites. I will head on now to theidea topic and check it out! keep this plugin going! how can we help?



    Well, there’s the elastic theme, and there’s P2 both of which have front end editing. there’s other front end editing plugins which work after the entry is posted.

    Given the admin bar is going in wp 3.1, things are moving in that direction anyway. A bunch of developers are working independently on things like this.



    I’m not sure the current BP-Default theme is suited to front-end blog posting; it doesn’t make sense for all themes. We’re quite close already, as we could re-use the post box on the activity stream page as a starting point. Maybe we could template it out a bit.



    We (me and someone else BP experienced) are working on something that will do this, and a lot more.. We’re doing our best to get it finished early next year or so :-)



    Interesting ! I am waiting for that too.I know a plugin seaweed.But it is not working with Multisite installation and not updated by the developers a while .

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