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wp-signup.php and login issues

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  • @xevo


    If you have buddypress activated, you should use the “/register” page of buddypress.



    I have the same issue

    Warning: Cannot modify header information – headers already sent by (output started at /homepages/41/d278410228/htdocs/wp-content/themes/bp-sn-parent/header.php:3) in /homepages/41/d278410228/htdocs/wp-includes/pluggable.php on line 865

    with wpmu 2.8.6 BP 1.1.3 hosted by 1&1



    @Xevo Thanks so much for the response! How do I use register instead of wp-signup?

    Also forgot to mention that I’m using the latest versions of both WordPress and Buddypress



    I posted this elsewhere but it now belongs as part of this discussion: When using Buddypress, should /wp-signup.php result in an blank page or the registration form (or redirect to /register)? If the issue described here exists, how do you get the proper default buddypress behavior?


    I could delete /wp-signup to remove the errors but I’d like to understand how bp and wpmu is designed to work (are there any consequences for deleting wp-signup.php?).

    I know BuddyPress is using /register.php and not /wp-signup.php. But when /wp-signup.php is hit (typically by spam bots) a PHP Warning is generated. No white space outside of php closing tags in header.php. I’m not too concerned about that as I figure if it’s working as it should (no registration form), then the php warning will take care of itself (and not be generated). So what needs to change to get /wp-signup.php to result in a blank page?

    PHP Warning: Cannot modify header information – headers already sent by (output started at xxxx/bp-sn-parent/header.php:3) in xxxx/wp-includes/pluggable.php on line 865

    See no Warning and no Registration Form (blank page). Is this the proper default buddypress/wpmu behavior?

    Here /wp-signup.php was deleted and results in a page not found:

    wpmu 2.8.6 with active plugins on main bp site:

    bp 1.1.3, bp-groupblog, auto group join, Group Forum Subscripton, bad behavior



    Here’s a fix for redirecting your users from the old wpmu signup/activation to the new buddypress signup/acitvation page.



    @Zevo Thank you for posting that fix but it doesn’t seem to be working for me.. (Nothing has changed) Maybe I’m installing it wrong? I added the fix-it code to the tail-end of ../wp-content/bp-themes/bp-sn-parent/functions.php (Before the closing php tags of course)

    Also cleared cache/etc before I tested my site again.

    Again, thanks so much for your quick responses and help. It’s much appreciated.

    EDIT: When I added the code to mu-plugins, users couldn’t register because the “register” link would bring them to the login page. Login issues also still exist.


    Keymaster is what is meant to happen.

    mishathegoat you appear to be using the old BP theme directory. What version of BuddyPress are you installing and with which theme?



    Hello DJPaul,

    Odd, I am using BuddyPress version 1.1.3

    The installation instructions I read told me to do the following (

    “Move /wp-content/plugins/buddypress/bp-themes/ to /wp-content/bp-themes/ directory of your account. Additionally, to install the default BuddyPress home theme move /wp-content/bp-themes/bphome/ to /wp-content/themes/bphome/.”

    Could this be related to the problem?


    EDIT: I have tried both themes, BuddyPress Default 1.1.3 and BuddyPress Social Network Parent Theme 1.1.3




    as DJPaul points, you do not need bp-themes directory inside wp-content ,It will cause problems.

    Please move buddypress/bp-themes/ (bp-sn-parent and bp-default) to wp-content/themes and then go to SiteAdmin->Themes ,allow it from the main site and activate bp=-default using appearance->Themes

    and remember to delete the wp-content/bp-tehems directory.



    Awesome, that solved the problem! Guess I was just reading outdated installation instructions. Thanks everyone for all of your help I appreciate it!






    Thanks Xevo, your plugin actually solves this issue.

    I’m curious about this being fixed in BP 1.2 !?


    Hi, excuse my english… for all those that have the error that says: bla bla bla on line 3 on header.php…. here is the solution:

    edit the file wp-includes/pluggable.php

    in line 863 replace:

    if ( $is_IIS ) {

    header(“Refresh: 0;url=$location”);

    } else {

    if ( php_sapi_name() != ‘cgi-fcgi’ )

    status_header($status); // This causes problems on IIS and some FastCGI setups

    header(“Location: $location”, true, $status);


    with this:

    if( !headers_sent() ).


    if ( $is_IIS ) {

    header(“Refresh: 0;url=$location”);

    } else {

    if ( php_sapi_name() != ‘cgi-fcgi’ )

    tatus_header($status); // This causes problems on IIS and some FastCGI setups

    header(“Location: $location”, true, $status);


    That’s all folks… bye bye to the problem!

    I hope this help to someone!

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