someday we will have the same auto-update we see in WP… 
ok, testing the upgrade, will see if my site explode!
Let us know here if you have issues with BP 1.1.2 after upgrading to MU 2.8.6.
after uploading all the files, i simply did the usual, and the system indicated that i did not have anything to do, database was up to date *(i do not remember the sentence in english, my board is french)
so it now shows 2.8.6 in the bottom of the wp-admin…
no bug so far, browsed most of the pages without any problem.
Thanks for the update. Based on what I had read about the upgrade, I had assumed it would not be an issue. But, since I have not yet tried the upgrade myself, I was a little hesitant about posting.
what is announced is about bugfixes and security, so usually it’s about deep core files, not really related to plugins and addons, so Buddypress would not be touched. “logically”
Did you use automatic upgrade or manual upgrade?
@Jeff Sayre
Thanks a lot for your information, because of it, I have just upgraded to the new version, and (again) everything looks nice on my BuddyPress site.
someday we will have the same auto-update we see in WP… 
I’m confused. I just used the WMPU autoupdate to get to 2.8.6!
hum, i’m confused as well, because i never was “alerted” in my admin panel that a new version was available, so i thought there was no auto-update…
maybe i was too quick to update and the feed was not sent at that time.