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wpmu/bbpress database – should they share or not?

  • @zenseeker


    I finally got wpmu and bbpress to share a login after several installs and lots of google searches. On this install I’ve got 2 separate databases with bbpress sharing wpmu user tables. Seems I followed an old thread where it was recommended. Buddypress is installed and working, just haven’t tried group forums yet.

    What is the preferred (and less of a hassle) option – sharing one db or separating wpmu and bbpress databases with shared user tables? Even though I hate to, I can start from scratch again if it will save me headaches down the line. Thanks.

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  • @rootherb




    Yes, I’ve read that. Not that curious about group forums right now. Just asking what is the preferred database setup (looking long term) – one database or one for wpmu and one for bbpress with shared user tables? That’s all. Thanks.



    There is no ‘preferred’ option. It’s up to you to determine what your needs are.



    I should say, install them both in their own database ;)

    Trust me, it could come in handy ;)



    I had this same question…. keep hearing that for full integration BBPress and BP must use same database. I had originally installed in separate db’s because keeping them separate seemed to make more sense to me…

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