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[Resolved] Wrong member count

  • @idpokute


    Hi, I’m new to BP, and I’m running WPMU.
    I meet a strange situation.I saw some thread about member count, but there weren’t solutions.

    My test site shows “All Members 10” in Members page.
    This is strange, because there are 7 users in the ‘WP_Signup’ table and 9 users in the ‘WP_Users’ table. I thought BP might pull the number of users from WP-user table, but I’m still curious why it’s 10 not 9.

    I’m guessing BP has its own cache system. Does anyone have idea?

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  • @djpaul


    Assuming everything is working as it is, I don’t know why it would show more users than you have, either. Have you tried going to Tools > BuddyPress, and running “Repair total members count” as a workaround for now?



    Of course I did it last night, but no luck.

    This morning, it shows correct number of members. I don’t know why. I’m assuming this might relate to cache.



    I got the same problem.
    I got 2 different numbers.
    On my frontpage it says I have 779 abonents
    On my backend in users.php it says I have 801 users.



    Hi, does anyone have a solution to this problem? My site is doing the same thing. Thanks.

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