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  • Carlos Santa Cruz


    @Jeff thank you a lot for this very useful information I hope the patch you provided get into the next release, the skeleton component is basically useless without this patch.

    Thanks again.

    Is there some document/example that works with 1.2? I’ve spend some time with the sample component 1.4 but none of the hooks seems to work.



    I just added these lines to my bp-example-core.php:

    function bp_example_setup_root_component() {

    /* Register ‘example’ as a root component */

    bp_core_add_root_component( BP_EXAMPLE_SLUG );


    add_action( ‘wp’, ‘bp_example_setup_root_component’, 2 );

    function bp_example_directory_setup() {

    global $bp;

    if ( $bp->current_component == $bp->example->slug && empty( $bp->current_action ) && empty( $bp->current_item ) ) {

    do_action( ‘bp_example_directory_setup’ );

    bp_core_load_template( apply_filters( ‘bp_example_template_index’, ‘example/index’ ) );



    add_action( ‘wp’, ‘bp_example_directory_setup’, 2 );

    That worked for me.

    I have this same issue, I almost finished my component with the skeleton 1.3 but after the official release of bp 1.2 decided to wait for the next version of the component, now trying to migrate to the new structure and have more issues than before, I will try what @designodyssey is doing looking into the other official components as I did before.

    Thank you, I just spent a couple of hours trying to figure out this.

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