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Issues Creating a Topic

  • whittmadden


    I have installed bbpress on my website and created a group successfully. However whenever I try to create a forum topic, example – Forum Rules. I create the title, the post, and then I choose the group (which I have only created one group). Whenever I try to post – it tells me this: Please pick the group forum where you would like to post this topic. Here is a link to the forums page

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  • whittmadden


    I have followed the instructions on this page and i still get the same message: Please pick the group forum where you would like to post this topic.

    If these are in-group forums, check that `bb-config.php` is at the root level of your install and the database connection values in it match the values in your `wp-config.php` file. I had this same problem, and completing bb-config did the trick; your forums can’t communicate with the db at the moment.



    I’m not sure what I am comparing, except for the MySQL information, and both of those match up. Do you know specifically what I need to check? My database information matches. The $bb_table_prefix matches, also.

    Yes, compare this part of wp-config (not real values):
    `define(‘DB_NAME’, ‘wordpress’);
    /** MySQL database username */
    define(‘DB_USER’, ‘root’);
    /** MySQL database password */
    define(‘DB_PASSWORD’, ‘root’);
    /** MySQL hostname */
    define(‘DB_HOST’, ‘localhost’);`

    to the similar section in bb-config. Is bb-config at the root level of your web space?

    Can you access your db to make sure the tables are where they should be and have the correct names?

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