Where do I find the parameters? I’ve been looking..
Codex.buddypress.org is only as good as the amount of people who bother to contribute to the documentation. Failing that, reading the code (if you can read code) is always a good way.
The only parameter that bp_group_list_admins() takes is an optional group object; it defaults to the current group object from the bp_groups templatetag loop. You’d need to duplicate (and rename) this function into your plugin / your theme’s functions.php to do what you want to do with it.
Hey Paul,
Where would I find that function to copy (which PHP file?) how would I know where it’s at?
I can get into the file via terminal or FTP so with Terminal I might have some more advanced search features.
Thanks for your help.
I looked in
I can’t find it anywhere.
Hey Paul,
Where would I find that function to copy (which PHP file?) how would I know where it’s at?
I can get into the file via terminal or FTP so with Terminal I might have some more advanced search features.
Thanks for your help.
I looked in
I can’t find it anywhere.
Thanks, I got it working now.
And thanks Paul for the suggestion it worked great.