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is there a facebook plugin that…

  • @anointed


    I’ve found many facebook plugins where we can make a post and have it pushed to facebook.

    Are there any plugins that would create a post on my wordpress blog every time I post to facebook?

    I found one that would sync the activity streams of facebook and buddypress, but that is not quite what I am looking for. If I can find one that creates new posts automatically then the activity stream would automatically be updated.

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  • @crashutah


    I’ve never seen one (although there might be), but the challenge I have is understanding what from Facebook you’d want to create the post on the blog. Would you want someone’s wall post to be added to the blog? That doesn’t make much since to me. Would you want a Facebook Note to be added to your blog?

    The other option is to add the WordPress app (and there are probably a number of these out there) to your Facebook account. I think a Facebook WordPress app would be able to post to your blog and to Facebook at the same time. At least I think there are 2 way Facebook apps like this.



    Thank you for the info.

    In our case, yes we would want all the updates from facebook to post to the blog.

    We have a number of missionaries around the world who post to facebook. I was thinking of creating a subdomain blog for each missionary. That way when they post to facebook it would automatically show up on their blog.

    Now a normal person would say, ‘why not just post the blog article and have it pushed to facebook’?

    Well, say I have 20 church websites that all support the same missionary. Instead of him having to post to all 20 church blogs, he could post to facebook, and I could have all 20 blogs auto updated for him.

    Obviously this is a very specific example, but it would work the same for many concepts.

    anyhow, I had not even thought of a wordpress app for facebook. I’ll go dig around and find me one.

    thanks again



    There are WP plugins that will auto-create a WordPress post from each item in an RSS feed as it happens (well, cron schedule notwithstanding, I guess, or something like that). I kind of hate Facebook, so I’m not sure, but are there RSS streams generated by the appropriate activity there?

    Or, come to think of it, if there were an RSS stream from Facebook, you could just use Andy’s External Group Blogs plugin and pull the RSS items into an activity stream for a group, as well.

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