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Is this how multisite registration is supposed to work?

  • Ben Hansen


    3.5.1 & 1.7 (although this happened in 1.6.x as well)

    Ever since i switched to multisite when someone registers for the site it seems they are registering for the network but not the site (main site) is that normal? thanks!

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  • Ben Hansen


    bumparino 😛

    Hugo Ashmore


    Yes it’s normal, in effect the network is the primary point of install and has – if you like the master list of users so admin is listed there as super_admin.

    Ben Hansen


    thanks @hnla is there a way to make it add new users to main site automatically? i’ve noticed certain things aren’t working quite right such as new users ability to view forums (have no role) and display of usernames on the profile page when the user is only a network user.

    Hugo Ashmore


    Automatically? Not that I’m aware of, there used to be some tool for managing and moving users but lost track of what that was called.

    This might be the sort of question @mercime may be able to shed more light on.

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