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buddypress; phpbb and wp-united

  • how do i have phpbb use the buddypress messaging and profile and have phpbb use the buddypress avatar?

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  • i really don’t no where to get started with this. i tried some stuff but it didn’t work.



    um, if you’re using phpbb, why use buddy press?

    Kind of defeats the whole point, no?

    Because my entire site is setup around buddypress. i have alot of plugins like achievements; cube points etc and i really like the messaging system of buddypress. After all the configuring of my website i would hate to ditch buddypress already when members are just getting use to it.



    so ditch phpbb instead!

    The bbpress forums/groups sucks! i would like to use phpbb with the buddypress messaging system/activity/members and avatars.



    == i would like to use phpbb with the buddypress messaging system/activity/members and avatars. ==

    Then you would have to hire a programmer to create a plugin which extends wp-united to integrate with BuddyPress or to create one yourself.

    OCS Foundation CTO


    At this point there is a WP-phpBB Bridge that works just fine with WP and phpBB but given that it redirects user account creation to phpBB I am not sure if it will work with BuddyPress.

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