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Hiding stuff from the Activity stream

  • iiSeptum


    Hey all,

    This has been answered before (, but I wanted a clearer explanation of how to hide things from the Activity stream. Basically, all I’d like for the Activity stream to have is what people post. No “new registered member”, “changed their profile picture” or “became friends with”. It would be way better and more private in my opinion.
    If someone could post the code I need to insert or something, I would really appreciate it and I’m sure other people would too.

    Thanks for reading!

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  • djsteveb


    I use that plugin, and in the settings (superadmin dashboard -> buddypress tab -> Activyt block

    I have this in the box for “blocked activity types”
    deleted_group_document, new_blog, new_member, joined_group, friendship_created, activity_liked

    works for me for now.. even though there is an error with that plugin…
    Warning: Missing argument 2 for wpdb::prepare(), called in wp-content/plugins/buddypress-block-activity-stream-types/admin/bp-activity-block-admin.php on line 6 and defined in /wp-includes/wp-db.php on line 1154

    Someone did a fork / update of that plugin which fixes some things, but last I checked it was on github and not the official wp repo – (post here: )




    That did the trick, thank you very much!



    Recently introduced function bp_parse_args allows since 2.0 to modify easely your templates. Faster and lighter than a plugin.

    Using bp_parse_args() to filter BuddyPress template loops

    As example, show only updates on the SWA (add snippet to bp-custom.php or child-theme functions.php)

    function make_swa_show_notice_only( $retval ) {	
    	if ( bp_is_page( 'activity' ) ) {
    	$retval['action'] = 'activity_update';					
    	return $retval;
    add_filter( 'bp_after_has_activities_parse_args', 'make_swa_show_notice_only' );
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