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Registration issues

  • @rochellebarlow


    I’m with — up to date on all versions of WP and BP and BBPress. I am using the Meadowbrook theme and the OptimizePress plugin for my course and OptimizeMember for my membership sections. I have set up BP and BBP for our forum for the students to participate in and complete assignments, etc.

    I had a customer buy the course (haven’t launched it yet or worked out the kinks, she just found it and bought it) yesterday.

    She went to register and it brought her to a 404 error. I came here and to OP and saw that I needed to allow ALL to register. I did that, and she was able to register. However, she was only able to register as a free user, and not as a paid subscriber at the level she purchased.

    I have no idea how to fix this for any future customers. I clicked the options that the BP and the OM registration pages would work together. I really really want to use the forum, but I don’t speak code and I’m freaking out that the fix I had to do manually isn’t going to work in the future. And that I’m going to have an angry customer and lots of future ones.

    Please help me!! What am I doing wrong or not understanding?
    Thank you.

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  • @djsteveb


    You need to direct this question to the “OptimizeMember” plugin writer.

    I will suggest if you do not find it easy to work with that one, perhaps look into others like “s2member” or the membership plugins from wpmudev – and others.

    Some places provide better tutorials and support than others – some are easier to work with than others.

    This is not really a buddypress issue however I do not believe.

    (I am not a bp dev, just another random internet user of bp – and I have not looked into your particular optimize things)



    Yeah, I have tried to contact OM and they’re unresponsive, as usual. I had S2member on my site at one point, I’ll have to look back into getting that back up. I seriously want to throat punch OP/OM, horrible horrible customer service. Thanks for your advice.

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