Just so we can be on the same page.. are you using a child theme you created or are you using an already created one? Is it a child theme of the default theme?
Have you made sure in the style.css of the child there is the following:
Template: bp-default
This assumes that the child is the default theme, if not that bp-default should be the name of the parent theme.
I am using a child theme i created.
* Theme Name: BuddyPress moon
* Theme URI: http://joblogs/wp-content/themes/moon/
* Description: Clean and stylish, BuddyPress Default lets you build a social network straight out of the box. Make it yours with a custom menu, header image, and background. Along with five widgetized areas (one in the sidebar, four in the footer), BP-Default supports featured images (as custom header images on posts and pages) and is furnished with an optional one-column page template that removes the sidebar, and a stylesheet for the admin Visual Editor.
* Version: 1.5
* Author: jo blogs
* Author URI: http://joblogs.co.uk/
* Template: bp-default
This is the header. But i put the footer file and that is working for just one page. do i need to transfer all the files over to the moon folder. please help.