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[Resolved] Buddypress Just Stopped Working All Together

  • Hey all,
    I thank you in advance for taking the time to read through this thread and offer any advice you may have. The title says it all, but let me explain a little.

    Buddypress ran fine until the upgrade to WordPress 3.3. Activation of the plugin yields a blank white screen across the entire website, including the dashboard. Here are the steps I have taken to fix the issue:

    1) Disabled each plugin one-by-one to see if there is a compatibility issue. No luck here.
    2) Reinstalled WordPress 3.3 using the dashboard. Still no help.
    3) Deleted all plugins and themes. Still a blank screen.
    4) (this one takes the cake) Completely deleted wordpress from my domain through my webhost and reinstalled it, completely starting from scratch. This option allowed for me to activate the plugin after installation but after going through the steps to set up Buddypress, clicking the OK and Activate option gave me the same blank screen.

    I’m completely at a loss. I’ve reached out to WordPress for help with not so much as a reply, I’ve verified that my hosting service isn’t causing the issue and now I’m requesting any help you have to offer. My website is and is completely built around the networking platform ideal. Without buddypress, my site is null.

    Thanks again,

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  • @mercime


    You need to increase memory limits
    Also double-check that your server has the minimum PHP 5.2.4 version required for WP/BP.

    My host server is running 5.2.x according to their website, so I’m guessing all is good there. I’m quite the newb when it comes to editing files, where exactly can I locate the wp-config.php file?

    Problem Solved!!

    For others out there tracking this same issue:
    Increasing the memory limits did the trick. My current webhost had a 32MB memory limit and increasing it to 64MB allowed for Buddypress to FINALLY work. I was able to increase the memory limits using my webhost’s cPanel website (this is your webhosting account basically). There was a convenient video tutorial on my servers website that walked me through the steps.

    Thanks for your help mercime!



    You’re welcome. Glad you resolved the issue :-)

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