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Activity Load More Not Working

  • @aronprins


    Hey everyone,

    I’m having an interesting issue.

    WP 4.9.6
    BP 3.0.0
    Theme: BuddyBoss (latest)

    When on the activity stream, the first batch shows fine, when I scroll down it autoloads and shows “Sorry, there was no activity found. Please try a different filter.”. When I disable autoload and click the load more button, the same message appears.

    When I turn off the autoload and right click – open in new tab on load more, it shows the second stream of activity just fine.

    The interesting part: when I logout and log back in, it shows the second stream of activity just fine. When I then refresh the page, it shows the error above again. When I click on the All Members tab, it refreshes the stream like it should and the load more reveals the second stream of activity again…. Very strange behaviour.

    I have disabled all plugins, reverted to a WP default theme to no success 🙁

    Any thoughts on what could cause this?

    Thanks in advance 🙂


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  • @aronprins


    As this is the only bug preventing me from going live with this new site, I’ve spent the entire day messing around with it.

    For what it’s worth: the issue lies in the bp-activity-oldestpage cookie.

    Once I delete this individual cookie the page loads fine again. Once the page is reloaded the cookie reappears (as it should) but it doens’t seem to refresh properly.

    Any thoughts?




    So a quick fix is:

    add to <head> tags:

    function clearCookie() {
    		jq.cookie( 'bp-activity-oldestpage', 1, {
    			path: '/'
    		} );

    And add onload=”clearCookie()” to your <body> tag… Total hack I know.

    Is this a BP bug?




    @aronprins if that’s issue with default theme as well You can submit at



    Got exactly the same problem and I’ve to write a similar patch as you



    DO you think it could be related to PHP version? What’s your PHP version Aaron?



    Thanks everyone for their reports.

    This only affects the BP Legacy template pack. I’ve added a ticket for this here –

    The workaround above is fine for now, but here’s my potential fix for this –



    Hi, I am experiencing this problem with Nouveau. I can replicate the exact behavior outlined in Aron’s initial post. (Latest WP, BP 3.1.0, BuddyBoss Boss Child Theme)

    Please advice – I didn’t see Nouveau addressed in the trac link provided above.

    Also, do you have a workaround for Nouveau? I don’t have developer level skills but can add css code to my child theme.

    Thank you, very much, for your help.



    I have a correction to make with my post: I did not replicate this issue with Nouveau; my site is using Legacy template and experiencing these problems with Load More.

    For reference to other BuddyBoss Boss theme users: BuddyBoss has confirmed that they are overriding the BuddyPress settings to only run Legacy and have no timeline for supporting Nouveau template on their Boss themes. Even if you have Nouveau selected in your BuddyPress settings, it will default to Legacy. This caused my assumption that I was using Nouveau (since I had it selected).

    is there an updated javascript patch by this point? This problem persists (on multiple devices including mobile) and an update would be very helpful. Thanks.



    Is there anyone on this thread that can provide the specific css or javascript that I can copy and paste into my child theme to resolve this issue with Load More until a plugin update is provided?

    I understand that updates can be followed at the link provided but I need help translating that activity/conversation (I am not a developer). Gratitude in advance for anyone that can help me take the next step.




    I am experiencing the same with the Boss theme from Buddyboss. I hope an update of buddypress will solve this annoying issue.

    Best regards



    Hey @nfxpert @belle33 @itsart,

    If it is allowed for me to share my domain here, it is (running on BuddyBoss original theme (not Boss).

    If you look in the header section you can see my little resetCookie function in action.

    Like @r-a-y says, that is a “good enough” solution for now, or you could take him up on his trac ticket 🙂

    Hope this helps!


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