Yes it’s only available to logged out users.
But when logged in as admin, it looks blank when I try to edit it and can’t preview it. Is there a special way to edit a BuddyPress-created page?
It’s just a blank page, the content is populated by the BP Template file – plugins/buddypress/bp-templates/bp-nouveau ( or bp-legacy) /members/register.php
and this creates the structure depending on what additional profile fields you have added in Users/Profile Fields.
I’m sorry, but I’m a beginner. Is the only way to do that with a text editor? I don’t remember doing that when I first set it up.
Thank you.
When you first set up BP will have automatically created that page for you. Why are you trying to edit it?
I mainly wanted to add some text at the top, which I did with a text editor. I thought I would want to add a field or capcha to try to prevent hackers.
You can add fields via Users/Profile Fields, captcha would normally be added via a plugin. To change the text what I normally do is create a custom language translation file using Poedit.