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Creating members outside of theme

  • @scott8035


    Hi. I’m writing a webhook that’s intended to create a user and register them in BP. After examining function bp_core_screen_signup() in buddypress/bp-members/screens/register.php, I thought I could just stuff values I receive into the correct $_POST variables and call the function, but it immediately returns after this statement near the top:

    if ( ! bp_is_current_component( 'register' ) || bp_current_action() ) {

    So I have two questions:

    1. Am I going in the right direction by emulating a post and calling bp_core_screen_signup() directly? And if so…
    2. What is the correct/proper/best way to set the current component and action?

    Thank you.

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  • @prashantvatsh



    You can directly create a WordPress user also and it will become BuddyPress member automatically.

    Please check:




    But I also need to save some xprofile fields programmatically, too. Won’t I eventually have to run bp_core_screen_signup() in order to “fully create” a BP member profile?



    When you will use that above link to create user then it is giving you a user_id in return then you can use it to save profile data like this:

    xprofile_set_field_data('profile_field', $user_id , 'profile_field_value');

    You can write it just after the code where you get user_id in return.

    Also please use hook ‘init’ in place of ‘admin_init’ and check a condition in the function if form is posted.

    Please try this once and let us know if this works for you not.




    bp_core_screen_signup() does several other things besides creating the user and saving xprofile fields…it does validation, optionally creates a user blog, provides several action hooks, etc. Are you saying it’s just not practical to use it?



    I am not saying that it’s not practical to use but if it is restricting you to create user through this then the workaround can be the solution I have suggested and I think it will send a mail to the user to let him/her know that their account is created on the site.

    If you want exactly same functionality like BuddyPress registration then please check this plugin as well and this is the link where they notified that it is integrated with BuddyPress


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