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problems with buddypress site hosting

  • lovefishing


    hi there , I host a std wordpress site and decided to try buddypress and did a standard install without any issues . Created a few users and some test posts . My site is hosted with hostgator on a reseller account. Really like it but my problem is they emailed me this morning to block the site saying it is usesing excess CPU resources but im just testing it with a few users ! Any ideas ?

    Thanks John

    Below is there email;


    This message is to advise you of a temporary block placed on your account. This account was found to be consuming an inordinate amount of processor time, to the point of degrading overall system performance. While we do limit each account to no more than 25% of a system’s CPU in our terms of service, we do not actively disable accounts until they greatly exceed that number, which is what happened in this case.

    Requests to this scripts under this account may become degraded by limiting the abilty for scripts to run for a limited amount of time, or if the issue persists, we may be forced to restrict how fast processes can be spawned until the issue has been resolved.

    We recommend taking steps to reduce the overall CPU usage for the account, which may be as simple as generating a flat HTML page for popular content, or enabling caching that is available through many popular scripts, or disabling high CPU usage features such as searches or Ajax refreshes. Although we may not be able to help in all cases, we would be more than happy to assist if you are unable to determine any cause, or if you need help interpreting any of the information.

    CPU seconds used in the past hour: 3300.85999999997, 92% CPU

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