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[Resolved] Problems getting the Register page to work

  • @beijaflor


    Hi! I just installed Buddypress and am developing a community site. I successfully set up pages for Groups, Forums etc, but I don’t get the Register page to work. I have defined a number of fields under the Buddypress settings, but when selecting there is no registration form showing up. And I also don’t know how to link the register page to the Register button under the Register tab top right on

    Any help would be much appreciated!


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  • @hnla


    The register form appears to be displaying when I visit the link?!

    I’m afraid that you are asking theme specific questions and this support forum is really geared to buddypress itself and it’s default theme. Salutation does a have support forums and asking there will get you a far better response also they will have guides that you should read and follow.

    The top tabs are accessed from /wp-admin/themes.php?page=sidebars-top-tabs you need to also do something about adding their behaviour in the Appearance > widgets page



    I have a similar problem: after installing buddypress: groups; forum; activities ;members come up. But at registration I get this error message: User registration is currently not allowed.
    On the four tabs of Buddypress settings I cant find a setting to turn registration on or off.
    I have looked up and found this line in the php files but don’t know how to read those.

    I use a clean wordpress 3.3.2_nl install for budypressonly on a subdomain.
    And also the default buddypresstheme.



    when i got to the Buddypressw tab pages and croll under the line:
    Associate WordPress Pages with the following BuddyPress Registration pages.
    Register is assosciated with the page : register
    Activate with -none
    here is the link:



    under forums forum for groups is installed



    == I get this error message: User registration is currently not allowed. ==
    @wanderingfox Registration ON or OFF is a WordPress setting.
    For single WP – go to wp-admin Settings > General > and allow Registration
    For WP Multisite – go to wp-admin Network Admin dashboard > Settings > Network Settings > Registration Settings and allow Registration



    Yes, that does it. now registration works, I would not have looked there for it and was not aware wordpress and buddypress are so interwoven. Thanks for your quick answer Mercime.



    Buddypress is simply? a plugin that runs on wordpress, aspects such as registration and users are managed by wordpress rather than BP.



    general, settings, select everybody can register will help the register page to work.

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