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how come no body help me?

  • raminjan


    Okay recently all my posts have not been answered with a single person, which is impossible, what? am I being blocked or what?

    you know I don’t mean to be disrespectful but this represent the weakness of this forum I am a student trying to learn as much as possible so this is not right if I am being banned.

    just you webmaster’s know, you guys need to have member to members messaging installed so people don’t post on forum if they want to ask a individual.

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  • @mercime


    @raminjan know that we are all unpaid volunteers helping out here, living in different time zones and have lives outside of BP and WP.

    You have created many number of topics, some of which I answered and other topics were answered by others. And private messaging is turned off because others have abused it already.

    BuddyPress is an opensource software, i.e., free and we try to help out as many people as we can, not just one. And when I was still a student, I recall doing my own research (Google et al) when I didn’t know the answers. So be patient and stay cool.



    I understand my friend and I am sorry for being a maniac but I am aggressively passionate about buddypress and just learning it and believe me I understand you guys are doing the best you could but I am just so frustrated with two problems one is that I want to set up portals for my users not site wide level access and two I have this error on my page and was just wondering to know what is this?
    can you please if you got time, can you please help me out? Thanks buddy.

    Warning: call_user_func_array() expects parameter 1 to be a valid callback, class ‘wpdev_compose’ does not have a method ‘wp_footer’ in /home/content/53/9386553/html/wp-includes/plugin.php on line 403



    class wpdev_compose sounds like its not part of BuddyPress Core and is from a 3rd party plugin. This site only offers support for 3rd party plugins if another user helps you or the 3rd party plugin developer offers you support.

    This site is mainly to help with the base install of BuddyPress.

    wpdev_compose seems to be in the “add-icons-to-sidebar-of-categories-and-pages” plugin.

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