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Buddypress pages displaying the whole site summary

  • Worpress: 3.4.1 + yootheme Balance 1.0.3
    Buddypress 1.5.7

    buddypress is installed activated and integrated with the theme using BuddyPress Template Pack.
    but all the pages like profile, activity, members page displays all the links more like sitemap below.

    Image ref
    it displays a long list like pages, archives, categories, meta etc.
    I dont want to display them, how to disable them

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  • yadigit


    What is your website? It could be the sidebar not in the right place.
    Using the template pack helps a lot, but some CSS editing may be required.

    right now I am testing it on local installation with yootheme balance theme, couldnt get it right, sometimes it breaks every element below the header.



    @free3dart You need to fix alignment of the template files to match your theme’s HTML structure. Let;s give it a try … Open up your balance theme’s header.php, copy all code, paste in, click submit and post the generated URI here. Do the them for balance theme’s index.php, page.php, sidebar.php and footer.php.



    I have the same problem with my yootheme downtown theme. Have you sorted the issue?



    @laprek please start a new topic for your yootheme downtown theme and post the links to the files I requested from free3dart above. We’ll see.

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