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What is the Actual Way to Cache BuddyPress Properly?

  • @homelesshenry


    Page caching is out (unless only active on static pages).

    From what I’ve read, several BuddyPress guides advocate for object caching, and so I was about to setup Redis.

    After looking a bit more, it seems object caching isn’t universally recommended. Some people are saying they experience issues with object caching, and the moderator here, shanebp, has stated several times against object caching:

    shanebp: But, object caching for WP can cause issues with BP because the object is not refreshed on a reload or ajax call.
    Even if you set the cache to refresh every few seconds, there will still be issues like the one you found.
    And page caching is much worse.

    Is there any recommended means to cache without problems for BuddyPress? Or is the answer to just not cache at all and to pay more in more server resources to make up for it?

    I’m about finished my site but have been holding off releasing until I get caching implemented correctly; for one, I do worry all those Xprofile searches are going to cause problems.

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  • @mike80222


    I’m very interested in this too. If you find any really good sources of information on caching in dynamic or memberships sites please share it here. For what it’s worth, I’ve got all caching turned off since I’m not sure how to do it safely. I’m also running bbPress and MemberPress, which probably makes the concern greater.

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