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Group Members You May Know

  • fishbowl81


    I have modified my groups directory, to show a random sampling of a few members from each group, below the group title and description. Currently I showing just random users, but will modify it to show random friends in the groups, or differentiate between friends and none friends by a colored border.

    Here it is:

    thoughts, feedback?

    btw, for performance reasons I did not modify the ajax returns, so when you filter by word or letter the the group members are not displayed.



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  • Cool – think you could turn it into a plugin?

    John James Jacoby


    I think for this to be successful, you’re going to want to make this with a bit of AI to compare profiles and build an array of individuals that each user may actually have a relationship with, or some commonality.

    The best example is Facebook. It does a horrible job of recommending people I know, mostly because I’m friends with so many people that know each other that it recommends 50 people I’ve never met everyday.



    If there was a action added, then yes it could be a plugin. But for now hacked code is good enough. I guess I could have written it with a hook, and added the hook myself, but either way it requires having a version not match the svn checkout, so I just hard coded values in for now.

    @JJJ, due to the simplicity of profiles at this point, and the niche of my site, I don’t really have way to draw connections between users. The idea of showing people in the group, was just to attract attention to the groups and to member profiles. Our site is about showing off hot profiles, and the more places on the site where profile pictures are, the more page views the site can generate.


    As long as you make a template function, then people can include it in their theme. I will add some hooks to the directories though.

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