It doesn’t give me 404, instead it gives 500 internal server error.
What is SimpleScript? I’ve never heard of it, and to install buddypress, you just need one click from wpmu. You should also provide more information such as wpmu/buddypress versions in use.
It is something like Fantastico Deluxe that’s from servers such as HostMonster, BlueHost etc. I am trying to manual install right now. Hope it works.
Hi, there’s still a problem. Try going to again.
Do you have any member themes installed? At a minimum you should have the bpmember theme installed in /wp-content/bp-themes/.
Yes, Jeff. I checked. It is just that I am getting errors clicking on members, profile etc. I can’t use the BuddyPress Features at all.
Did you reinstall wpmu and buddypress?
Do not use Servers such as Bluehost or Hostmonster to help install BuddyPress. It fails terribly. Do it manually by uploading WordPress MU into your server. Create a database by using MySQL Database, usually provided by the servers. Use the database to create a wp-config file for WordPress MU. They will guide you into installing WordPress MU. After, just use WordPress MU to find for BuddyPress. It will work. Remember to move the themes from the plugin folder to the theme folders (bphome).
I’m glad you’ve got it all working now!
I’m setting this thread to resolved.