It’s written in readme.txt, I think. It should generally be under _inc/css.
Should be but isn’t in a readme…
and my custom.php is already in the _inc/css folder and didn’t work as in my previous 1.0.3 install
@Chouf1. Are you talking about your custom.css or bp-custom.php (as your last comment indicates)?
Put custom.css in your _inc/css/ directory. But, more importantly, un-comment the custom.css file (/* @import url( _inc/css/custom.css ); */) in the style.css file.
Put bp-custom.php in wp-content/plugins/, if you have one.
oups: it was custom.css of course…
i uncommented the line and now it works.
Thank you David !
I have my CSS working by adding it to custom.css but it is only working for Home and Blog… I thought v1.1 was going to allow me to use only one theme for home/member/forums.
Here is where the location of CSS for thsee two areas:
Home: /wp-content/themes/bp-default-SPSv10/style.css
Member: /wp-content/bp-themes/bp-sn-parent/style.css
What am I doing wrong?
What I did wrong was to not delete (or rename) the wp-content/bp-themes/ folder. Now using same custom CSS for both.