I’ll be there and interested to hear people’s ideas. If there ends up being a spare slot on the track on Saturday we could even use that for an open discussion. Drinks will happen Saturday night regardless.
Andrea & I will be there and we think a get together is a great idea as part of the MU/BP track.
The (tentative) schedule’s up too:
Can’t wait to see you all in person.
Hey Andy, I didn’t get my hug last time…
I will buy a round (at a minimum)
Count me in for some sort of get together. I’ll hold off on offering to buy a round until I know how many people are going to show up though – beer is expensive in NYC!
Unfortunately, I cannot make it. But, if someone brings their Mac to the bar, I will have a drink with you via iChat!
Yeah, I know that will not happen. Have fun!
I’m interested in a meetup or dinner or whatever.
this is a bit off-topic, but would any of you mind taping NYC WordCamp for wordpress.tv pls? would love to hear what’s to come in the future… and feel free to include the b-roll (ie. drinking debauchery)
Count me, and my husband Chris, in for sure. Andy – an open discussion would be fantastic, but agreed that drinks are necessary. Looking forward to meeting everyone in NY!
Excellent guys. I will keep track of names and help move this forward. Even as an attendee , I am hoping it will be taped. I am already forced to choose between Lisa’s talk and Andrea’s 1st session (Andrea is strong arming me but I think I’ll do Lisa’s then head to Andrea’s 2nd
Have to say, I was bummed to see the scheduling conflict w/ Andrea and I – – I did not want to miss her panel.
Hopefully some kind soul will tape it (hint hint)
I’m also doing a BP Workshop on Sunday — kind of a hands on install-to-launch in steps .. maybe I can convince someone here to help me co-run it to help field questions?
Sunday looks like it’s shaping up to be an “Unconference” day with lots of opportunity for open discussion, networking and workshops. Fun stuff!
Lisa – I will help out in any way I can.
Yeah Lisa I wanted to see your session too. And I think it would be hard to make users pick. 
But! Overall, I see fun times ahead.
I’m hoping all the sessions get recorded so we can watch the ones we wanted to see and can’t due to schedule conflicts.
We probably should decide between day & evening.
I won’t be at Wordcamp NY, too many other conferences and deadlines, but I’d certainly attend a Buddypress meetup.
I organize monthly networking events for web startups in New York, under the name Web2NewYork – a Buddypress site of course. 
Keep me posted!
I’ll definitely be up for a meetup. Can’t wait to meet everyone and attend some great presentations.
I’d love to be there for a BuddyPress meetup. I’m sort of a lurker but I’m making an effort to hook into the community! I’ll only be in for the daytime, though, since I’m commuting in from the ‘burbs.
Daisy – You will most appreciate the Sunday workshop that Lisa and I will be trying to coordinate then. (Being a former ‘burb commuter, I hope you’ll consider making a long day of it and join all of us geeks at a watering hole afterwards)
Third time trying to post. Trying the logout/login work-around posted by Andy. Guess cookies?
I am new to this forum and to MU/BP but not to wordpress. I am flying into NYC from Fort Lauderdale on my way to Calgary, and so even though I am on a tight schedule, I would love to meetup with MU/BP developers as my next several ventures are set to explore using MU/BP extensively, developing multiple themes and plugins.
I arrive at LGA at 8:45 so I will be rolling in late, but if my cameras arrive on time I would be happy to document 1 or more sessions (as requested on this thread). Has anyone volunteered for this yet? If so/not, lets co-ordinate priorities for recording, and who is willing and able.
Lastly, since I am arriving the day-of, I will have my luggage with me. Does anyone know if the venue has a place for me to keep a few bags until the end of the first day?
Really looking forward to meeting all these bright minds working towards solutions on common problems.
I’ll be there. I fly in to LGA from Miami at 3pm Friday, and leave on Sunday at 9pm. Tried to give myself as much time to linger around as I could.
OK. New development. Join this BP.org group -> https://buddypress.org/groups/wordcamp-ny if you are attending or care about WCNY. I will coordinate stuff from there to the extent I can. Bummer i couldn’t upload a nifty WCNY avatar (Andy – feel free
My flight is delayed 2 hours into LGA so I won’t get to the hotel until probably 7pm tonight or so.