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BP 1.2 gets Fatal Error if Activity Streams is disabled

  • PJ


    “Fatal error: Call to undefined function bp_activity_latest_update() in /wp-content/themes/bp-themes/bp-default/members/single/member-header.php on line 11”

    Just a heads up for anyone that sees that message. Enable Activity Streams and the site will work

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  • Ah, so this message happens if activity streams is disabled? I’ll make a bug ticket, thanks.



    I was so scared for a minute. Thank you.

    For those who want the tabs for the different parts of the site, or to have the social network be secondary to their wordpress blog, what options are available?

    I feel like this new version is somewhat limiting in terms of customization.

    There is an option to keep the blog on the front page – check the Appearance > Theme Options menu.



    I have

    Fatal error: Call to undefined function bp_group_link() in /home/shaunch/public_html/aaw/wp-content/themes/bp-sn-parent/directories/forums/index.php on line 26

    Is this linked, and how do I stop it?



    @pjnu – “to have the social network be secondary to their wordpress blog, what options are available”

    You would need to create a child theme for 1.2 bp default theme. Copy the header.php from 1.2 bp-default theme into your child theme. Tweak navigation accordingly or create primary and secondary navigation to taste.

    “I feel like this new version is somewhat limiting in terms of customization. “

    My opinion is that it can be challenging but the sky’s the limit ;-)



    I have the same problem with BP 1.2. When activity streams are disabled, the individual group pages show an error:

    Fatal error: Call to undefined function bp_activity_post_form_action() in /public_html/wp-content/plugins/buddypress/bp-themes/bp-default/activity/post-form.php on line 1

    Does anyone have a fix for this? Or am I the only one having it with bp 1.2 and WP 2.9.2?

    i have the same problem if activity streams are disabled.

    John James Jacoby


    Can someone file a ticket on this if you haven’t already. This is a bug that will need to be addressed pretty quickly.



    It says it is resolved. But how?



    I just tested this on a dev site with WP2.9.1 single user and BP 1.2 and confirmed the error is still happening. If Activity Streams are disabled, the Groups still open by default to a “Home” tab that thinks there should be a Group Activity Stream displayed:

    Fatal error: Call to undefined function: bp_activity_post_form_action() in /var/www/vhosts/.../httpdocs/wp-content/plugins/buddypress/bp-themes/bp-default/activity/post-form.php on line 1

    And a follow-up question I have on this is, if the Group Activity Stream is turned off, what should be dispayed on the Home tab? I would argue in favor of having the Group Forum list be the default Group home page if Activity Streams are disabled, just as I think there should be a way to fairly easily choose the Forum list as the Group home page even if the Activity Streams are NOT disabled, just as site-wide you have the option of having the blog or the Activity Stream on the home page of the site. (This latter bit is the crux of a trac ticket I filed: )

    @johnjamesjacoby — I couldn’t find evidence of this having been submitted to Trac yet, so I just filed a ticket:



    @andy — Sorry, I goofed in my write up on Trac Ticked #2163, which you closed so I can’t update: I AM running BP 1.2.1, and I still have the error.

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