Title of what, where? Also please put bug reports on https://trac.buddypress.org/
use OR show html is different… if you enter a html tag into the title, it will show “raw” in the result… that does not mean the html is parsed, it’s the opposite.. the html can not be parsed that way. though, you talk about what engine here?
I mean if you create a topic here: http://testbp.org/forums/
you can also use html in the topic title.
my english is bad sorry I show it to you here:
have a look please
nickmy is right:
Images aren’t filtered out from the topic title.
you are corrent, this is a bug:
I just posted the following as a Forum-Title and it shows strange and is also linking to the page:
Do not use the stars at beginning and at the end of the HTML-code.
<a* href=”http://www.heise.de”>Heise<*/a>
submitted as TRAC-ticket:
I prefer BBcodes html codes are to long for members lol