If I remember correctly, the “ranked” achievements (i.e. 1, 10, 100 posts) might have appeared three times, but it looks more like a bug. However, Achievements doesn’t work with anything more recent than BuddyPress 1.1.3(?) and some earlier version of WordPress, perhaps 2.8(?). I’m working on a new version.
I tried to reinstall the plugin but the triplicate issue still exists. If you have any suggestions let me know. For know I’ll delete the 2/3 that is extra. Thanks.
@DJPaul a few months ago you were talking about updating the Achievements plugin, just wondering if you still have plans to do so?
Also, I remember others talking about a similar reward system but I can’t seem to find it.
Yes — Achievements will be coming out at or by the end of September (2010
). There’s a few details on my blog at http://byotos.com/ and I hope to do some more posts soon about it.
The other plugin you are thinking of is CubePoints.
I was just about to post and say I had found a previous post by you saying the release date, but you beat me to it.
I am excited about this plugin, I will check out that site!
Ah… now here’s something I’ve been itching to get back into.
Have to keep my hands in my pockets for another month I guess 
after reading his blog, I’m impressed, this sounds way better than expected!
Testing it here. http://tempsg.com/achievements/
Works great. The best part of this plugin is that is uses the front end instead of back end for creation of achievements. Nobody likes nauseating backends