Not quite what I mean. BP has a notifications component that tells you when you’ve been sent a message, when you’ve been friended etc. But it doesn’t tell you if your blog has had comments submitted. That’s what I’m referring to…not notifications by way of email subscription.
I am looking for the same thing, but more especially in the forum on my site. Members need to be notified when a comment is made to their post or forum topic. I can’t expect them to login every day or hour and check to see if there are new comments. Duh!
cheers, Rob
I think still we’re off base with what I originally asked for.
But that’s ok! All is welcome.
In the new WP 3.1 Admin Bar, there is a “Comments” tab that lights up when there is a comment on the blog (i think) — I’m refereing to something like that integreated to bp_core_get_notifications_for_user( $bp->loggedin_user->id ) — to let blog owners on a multisite know that there have been comments made to their blog — the link then goes to edit-comments.php so the user can manage those new comments pending.
*now that i’m revisting this thread, I’m remembering someone around here providing a tweak the bp-admin bar that added a flyout from the Blogs menu that did exactly this, I think. where are you thread!
@nahummadrid Did you ever find an answer to this? I am also looking for this. And it seems like the BP notifications doesn’t pickup on @mentions in blog posts and comments.