I wrote a plugin where everybody can create events. Can also be restricted to just group admins.
Have a look here: http://test.shabushabu.eu/
Notice that there is a price tag attached to the plugin.
@abstorm You’ll need to upgrade people to Event Creators (a new role is created) to allow them to create events—and they can do that via both the front end or back end.
BuddyVents is good too.
Frontend users can also add events using Eventpress. You just need to click on the “Create event” tab within the events page (http://domain.com/events/create/). See screenshot: http://i56.tinypic.com/k4fn9f.gif
What I like about Travel_Junkie’s Buddyvents event plugin is the clean event creation process and the fabulous grid view.
kunalb: so with eventspress you create a new ROLE for the permission to create events? Can I assign the permission of creating events to my already existing roles? Thanks!
Event Creators is the role which only has permission to create events. And yes, you can upgrade existing users to that role from wp’s backend.
Would it be possible to give permission to create events to all Subscribers (new and old) ? I’d like to enable event creation by default for all logged in BP users. I’ve fiddled around with wp.php without any success… Any ideas? Thanks @kunalb! Looking forward to the next version!
Have a look at how capabilities are granted in models/events.php—you can grant the required caps to subscribers too. Or, there’s an event_creator role that’s just meant for this—in the wordpress admin area, you could make the default user role Event Creator, and also bulk modify the existing user capabilities to event_creator.
Thanks! Changing the caps was pretty easy. Good job commenting out your stuff by the way!
Eventpress works great to me in WP 3.2.1 multisite and BP 1.2.9. I have used the plugin Multisite User Management to mange all the users roles and to change them to the Event creator role in the main site.
By the way, the only bug that I have found is that the link created in the admin bar in: My account -> Events and My acoount -> Events -> My events don’t work propertly, if I click them, they go to the site_url
Anyway, great plugin, congrats!