Settings page uses the /members/single/plugins.php template file.
Activity permalink uses /members/single/activity/permalink.php, which in turns uses /activity/entry.php.
@sj; I discovered that it’s not always the obvious file. Windows Vista’s internal file search fails me for some reason, so I downloaded a freeware tool called Agent Ransack, which hunts through folders and files very quickly. I search inside files for text labels on-screen, and always find the relevant template(s).
thnx ray
i never cared to look into plugin.php
my bad
@lincme thnx a lot for the tip
.. think it be lot helpfull for me
A decent code editor ought to be able to do searches across multiple files open or closed.
I ran into the member screen template issue myself couldn’t figure out where settings screen was being rendered from, plugins.php living above the other folders with screen layouts/loops just doesn’t really make sense especially not as somewhere to look for a page/component layout, I would think that there is somewhere a better more logical approach to this screen. Little things like this make Theming a chore!
@hnla – The cool thing about child themes is you can move templates around wherever you want! Just make sure you change the pointer to that file!
r-a-y, can my users alter a child theme without having ftp access? I can’t see having to do this for everyone who wants to adjust their navigation or whatever they want to customize.