@Ann_Whitt_Wen running BP Template Pack moves the following 13 files within 6 major folders to your active WP theme: https://codex.buddypress.org/theme-development/wordpress-to-buddypress-theme/#revise-templates. Looks like member folder files are missing. Double-check via FTP/cPanel that those 13 files are there. If not, go through the BP Template Pack process again. Or, copy over the missing files/folders from BP Template Pack plugin to your active theme while maintaining folder/file structure.
THANK YOU for your input. I tried to reset BP template pack first—didn’t work. So I manually moved all those 13 files where they were supposed to go via ftp. The registration and groups work, but not profile, activity, members or forums. Have any other suggestions?
Now that’s weird. In your previous activation, only the register function did not work so it is ironic that now only register is working and the BP component pages are not. From where you were in your post above:
1. Deactivate BP Template Pack, then delete BP Template Pack folders/files within your active theme folder.
2. Activate BP Template Pack, check if all pack template files were transferred in your active theme’s folder. If not, transfer only the missing files observing folder structure.
I just activated BP Template Pack v1.0.2 in a WP 3.1 RC2 and BP 1.3 trunk 3805 test installation earlier today and all template files from BP Template Pack transferred to twentyten, the active WP Theme and working great. Of course some styling needs to be done but other than that, looks okay.
I am SO excited—it finally worked!! It didn’t work the first time, so I deleted the template pack plugin completely and re-downloaded it. I also de-activated the BP backwards compatibility (just to see). It didn’t transfer ANY of the template files over when I activated it. So I manually transferred those 13 files and that did it. Thank you SO MUCH!!! I appreciate your help. “I’m not worthy!”
@Ann_Whitt_Wen You’re welcome. Good to know that you’ve resolved the issue