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Looking for help from a buddypress guru

  • @twistedangels


    I recently added buddypress to my wordpress site and am having a little trouble with it.

    For the most part, it’s more of an aesthetics thing than functionality – like my formating not matching up. I used the plugin that was to make my theme compatible with buddypress but I’m wondering if that didn’t fully work.

    However, I’m also having issues with changing my avatar to something other than the generic one that is sort of a buddypress default.

    I was wondering if somebody could help me either by becoming a member of my site and physically checking out th issue or by maybe taking be through it based on screen shots or something.

    If anybody is willing and able, let me know and we’ll figure it out.

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  • @twistedangels


    The site is and even though it’s a subscription-based site I can allow any person assisting me have free access.



    Making a theme compatible with BP isn’t I’m afraid a one click process and there are some manual steps that must be undertaken and that do require a little coding knowledge – although not much.

    These two pages in the BP codex will help you, the second probably the best one to read through fisrt.

    If you haven’t already performed the extra manual steps outlined in these pages you will need to have a go and if you get stuck post back with where you’ve got to and someone will help out.



    @Twistedangels what hnla said.
    Create an ordinary demo member account – post username and password here



    Erm you could really do with explaining just what issue you are having with avatars as logging into a site to troubleshoot issues starts to become somewhat of a service and mustn’t be taken for granted – if it’s an avatar upload denied error then likely your server user/groups are not correct on your server, the process that needs to own the files isn’t allowed to and this needs to be resolved at the server level.

    :) Almost verging on a NSFW site




    The first time I tried to upload a photo as an avatar:

    The name of file I selected was barely visible before I uploaded it. This was a minor annoyance as that the theme background was in back and the text shows up black. All the rest of my text is white.

    Once uploaded, it requires cropping of the photo. However, no matter how I crop it, it shows up bigger in the avatar and so indistinguishable as a photo.

    I deleted my uploaded avatar and tried to upload a smaller version of the photo but it won’t even accept this one. It never says anything about any sort of error.



    @mercime – I don’t have the first clue how to do that.




    So how do I get back to step 3 on:

    I’ve already went through the process once and apparently missed the alignment issues the first time around.



    Wow this is some complicated looking stuff. As you may be able to tell, I’m not a techie kind of guy. HTML and other code is basically one of those nasty little 4 letter words IMO.



    hmm for many of us it’s the love of our life but also sadly how we have to struggle to earn a living :)

    The manual steps you can approach again at any time essentially they are simply visually inspecting theme files and ensuring certain elements are replicated in both, obviously the markup structure from your main theme is the one that governs the layout and that BP files must copy and adhere to.

    Either myself or mercime will have a look at the live site files when we have a moment and see if we can direct you to the elements that are missing or mismatched.

    Apropos Your question to mercime, do you mean how to post a link here I think that mercime was just asking for a user and login plain text will do and a basic account not admin.



    @hnla and mercime

    I see. I just tried to create a demo account but for some reason buddypress has threw a wrench into things. Before, people where able to just click the register link and choose a username and login which would then direct people to a paypal page before they could access the site.

    Now, for some unknown reason, there is no way to access the site at all! You go to register, it comes up with the a buddypress from instead of the wordpress login page. Once you fill it out, it sends an email to you with an activation link. Once you do that, it takes you to the site but it is just as restricted as if you where a non-member and it doesn’t seem like there is any way to actually become a member like there way before. I’ll take some screen shots and post links.



    == I think that mercime was just asking for a user and login plain text will do and a basic account not admin. ==

    hnla is correct. You mentioned “I can allow any person assisting me have free access.” I assume you have a testuser or demouser account/s to view your site as a non-admin user. Or create one so we don’t have to go through the process of registering to help you out. After the issue is resolved, you can always delete that testuser account.

    In addition, open up your theme’s page.php file, copy all content and paste it at and click on Submit button. The post the URL generated from that submission here.





    how do i get to the .php file?



    You will either have local copies of the files which you used to upload to the site either in zipped format or unzipped or you will have ftp access and would need to download the mentioned file, alternatively perhaps you only have some form of server site control panel in which case it should have an file editor which you could use to view and copy paste the contents to pastebin.



    Somebody else designed the site for me so I’m not sure how they took care of that stuff.

    I just game permission for the demo account to bypass paypal. While this doesn’t change the bizarre facts that only the “Site Admin” link gets you to this point now. However, it will allow access for this account at this point.

    username: demouser
    password: tester

    Login page:

    Now it allows this user to do to some other “Dashboard” section that looks like it is only about profile info.



    If anybody can handle the corrections necessary for me, I’d be willing to compensate you.



    All I would need would be a signed contract (which I could generate) saying that once the job is done, you will no longer access the site through the admin account.



    Just used those details to have a quick look, and you have a few layout issues but nothing that looks too problematical.

    The account is simply a subscriber one so we won’t be able to get to see any files such as the requested page.php one, for that a higher level of access would be required.

    As for Access I tend to ask of clients that they change all access details immediately that I have completed any work and no longer require access and to confirm that fact.

    I haven’t the time to look in any great detail right at this minute as it’s getting late in the UK , but I’ll keep an eye on the thread and if no resolution I’ll try and have a look in the morning for you.




    Thanks. You or anyone else willing to handle it can email me at trcapromo so we can work out details.



    I’m bowing out. @hnla‘s the man to do the job :-)




    Ok. Thanks for your efforts though.

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